In this episode of “UnDoing the UnLife,” Dan welcomes Ken Jacobs, a distinguished figure in executive coaching for PR and communication leaders. Ken, the principal behind Jacobs Consulting & Executive Coaching, shares his journey from a seasoned professional in PR agency management to an empowering coach dedicated to enhancing the leadership skills of executives across the marketing and communications spectrum.

Key Takeaways:

  1. The Courage to Speak Up: Ken discusses a common challenge he encounters with PR agency leaders: the struggle to muster courage in crucial conversations. Despite the high stakes involved in their roles, many leaders express fear over asserting budget needs, addressing unpaid invoices, or advocating for rate increases with clients. Ken emphasizes that these fears are surmountable and often coachable.

  2. Constructive Dialogue Creation: A significant part of overcoming these challenges involves learning how to engage in constructive dialogues. Ken shares insights into helping leaders navigate their fears and engage in meaningful conversations that can lead to positive outcomes for all parties involved. This includes strategies for addressing performance issues within teams and fostering a culture of open communication.

  3. Empowerment through Coaching: The episode delves into the distinction between consulting and coaching, highlighting the importance of drawing solutions from within the leaders themselves rather than providing direct advice. Ken’s approach focuses on empowering leaders to find their own solutions, thereby ensuring they are more likely to implement and commit to them.

  4. Addressing Employee Disengagement: Ken touches on the widespread issue of employee disengagement, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. He notes the critical link between employee happiness, engagement, and organizational success, stressing that true leadership involves not just managing tasks but inspiring and motivating team members.

  5. The Journey to Self-Empowerment: Both Ken and Dan discuss the transformative power of coaching in fostering self-belief among leaders. They advocate for a coaching relationship that encourages clients to uncover their own wisdom and strength, thereby embarking on a journey of self-empowerment and leadership excellence.

For anyone in a leadership role seeking to improve their ability to communicate effectively and lead with conviction, this episode is a must-listen, providing both inspiration and practical advice to help you undo the UnConfident and UnCourageous aspects of leadership.


Ken would love to connect with you! You can find him on LinkedIn (Just search Ken Jacobs, PCP…)


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