“There are two great days in a person’s life;
the day you were born and the day that you discover why.”
– William Barclay
What gets you up in the morning?
Is it the dreaded beeping of your alarm clock? Is it the kids screaming running into your room and jumping on your bed? Is it the guy next door mowing his lawn obnoxiously early? What is it that really gets you out of bed?
Let me ask that a different way.
![Wake Up On Purpose - Dan Beldowicz](http://www.danbeldowicz.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/kids-dad-sleep-together-in-bed-father-is-snoring-hard-girls-daughters-pinch-nose-with-fingers_t20_9kyYBA-1024x583.jpg)
How do you get up?
Are you dragging yourself out of your warm cozy bed? Are you asking yourself if it’s really true that it’s morning already? Are you cranky and don’t want to talk to anyone before you have had your first cup of coffee? Are you waking up just because you have to get the kids to school? Are you waking up and dreading the day because you are going to a job you hate and are unsatisfied with?
What is it that really gets you going? For so many people they don’t wake up because they want to, they wake up because they have to.
So waking up because you have to, because you feel like you have to get up, go to work, get that paycheck, pay the mortgage, all this other stuff. Where is the sense of you, your true who, what wakes you up in the morning? The familiar phrase, “here we go again, another Monday morning.”
Interesting fact, did you know that statistically, heart attack rates increase by 21% Monday mornings? People are literally dying to go to work!
It actually starts Sunday evening, after the football game you start building that stress and anxiety about going to work tomorrow morning.
Another alarming statistic is that 85% of the American public hates the job they are going to. Whether it’s not fulfilling, it’s not challenging you, it’s not in your best interest, it’s not really what you want to do. So why do it?
Going to a job you hate just sucks your energy away, it lowers your self-esteem, it raises your stress levels but we keep doing it. It robs you of your time. Realize we spend most of our time at our jobs. Why do we do it if we can’t stand being there? We’ve only got so many hours in any particular day, that’s the only thing that’s equal to all mankind.
Are you working on your purpose and passion or are you working on somebody else’s?
“Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs.”
– Farrah Gray
You work your 9:00 to 5:00 and then you work your 5:00 to 9:00 where you can express what it is that truly is coming out of you. I understand everybody has different obligations – kids, challenges, bills to pay, a mortgage but when you take your purpose or your passion, your purpose is really your reason why, your passion comes out in what it is that you do and how you express that purpose.
If you could just take that your purpose and your passion, package it, promote it, and profit from it, that’s where most people find the biggest discoveries. That’s where those that are the richest have gone. Think about Bill Gates, his whole reason was about putting a computer in every home that was running Windows. Steve Jobs, innovation.
What is it that’s getting you out of bed in the morning? Time just happens to slip on by when you are not waking up on purpose, a day goes by, a week goes by, years go by. And in order to see that look back on your life, think back a year.
And it’s easy to say that at the end of the year and especially around resolution time when everybody makes these new resolutions about how they are going to pay down their credit card debt, they are going to go on a diet and lose some weight, they are going to finally look for another job that’s more fulfilling.
How many years have you made the same resolutions over and over again? It happens to all of us, it does. How many people have made the same resolution more than twice? A good portion. What is it that stops you from going forward on that? How do we keep going, how do we build up enough reasons why to keep going on that resolution?
Maybe that resolution doesn’t fit within your value system or what it is you really want to do.
The day that you discover your “why” is a life-changing event and it’s really why are we all here, what are we doing, what did you come to this world for, what did you bring and how are you expressing that, how are you getting it out there? That’s really where Wake Up On Purpose came from is really every day we get to wake up, we get to choose what we do and how we do it.