Purposeful, Passionate & Profitable

At the age of 16 I started managing a CVS, a two town (408 home) paper route age 17, and a three person landscaping business
(the old adage of work hard, get good grades so you can get into a good college begins)

By 20 I launched an Adventure Travel Business from my dorm room, bringing hundreds of college students to go skydiving, whitewater rafting, camping, trips to Hawaii, the Bahamas and spring break destinations.
(I find out that you can make money doing what you love...no matter how "Crazy" the idea...)
By 26 I bought out my online competition and began to build my first Passive Residual Income, increasing revenue 8,085%. Over the next 3 years I bought and sold 4 more online businesses, producing an ROI within days.
(Family and friends start to question when I'm going to get serious with my career and stop playing around online...)

At 28 I spent a year studying small to medium sized businesses from the back end as a business broker... I found that many business owners put TOO Much of their time working in their business instead of on their business. I failed miserably trying to sell these businesses...
Life Lesson:
“You cannot sell
What you do Not BELIEVE IN.”
By 29 I was conned into believing that my part time internet marketing success was small potatoes, and I took the bait… I started working full time for an internet marketing company, quickly became their VP of Business Development and Sales. Selling over $2,000,000.00 in digital marketing solutions for local clients to mega brands you use on a daily basis.

At the same time I started speaking on Internet Marketing, Social Media Marketing and how to generate more leads and sales online to audiences ranging from 4 people to over 1,500. (Yes I said FOUR people...I found it easier to start with small groups then flopping in front of 400...)
After consulting with iPEC on their digital marketing strategy I enroll in the coach training program and become a Certified Professional Coach and Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner, aligning my purpose and passion. Shortly after I begin working full time inside of iPEC and become the "(M)Architect" - designing and developing marketing strategies.
(Rediscovering my true WHO and that you can earn by doing what you love. This is energetic alignment of vision, mission and values at its finest)