Footsteps Worth Following?
Today want to bring you something straight from the heart, this was given to me by my youngest son Brendan on father’s day a 2014 and it says “I want to follow in your footsteps” and it really didn’t strike me at that time but it took me a little bit.
As I was reflecting back in on it and thinking, “I love that, and it’s awesome, but am I leaving footprints worth walking in?” I really started to question all my complements what I’ve done in my life up till this point and where are my footsteps going in the future in? Am I creating footsteps worth following?
I believe we’re all here for that one purpose and figuring out what your purpose and why you’re here is up to you.
So ask yourself
What legacy are you leaving when you leave here?
We only get to play like once so what is it when you leave here you want to be known for ,what legacy are you leaving behind? Are those footprints worth following?
We are all leaders in some way shape or form whether it’s in an organization, a career, in a family or church even in your group of friends. Who’s following who and where are you all going?
In starting to think about what are those footprints that you leave behind, where do they go?
See its not just the destination but what kind of journey do you set them up for? Those footprints in the sand of time that you can never erase, you lived them, you get to choose what footprints you create today and tomorrow so be purposeful when you start thinking about this. Always look where you are going and what kind of journey are you taking people on?
Help them to be courageous, not afraid to fail, to set them up so when they do fall, they get right back up.
Leaving a legacy of helping others enjoy life not just sitting back on the couch watching inane reality TV shows but wake up on purpose start making footprints worth following
Comment below I want to hear what kind of footprints you’re going to start making going forward from today!
What Dies With You?
Today I’m bringing you a quote from Dr. Howard Thurman, see the other day I was coming home from a funeral and I was listening to Les Brown and he said this quote and it really struck me and I want to to see how it strikes you.
“The ideal situation for a man or woman to die is to have family members standing with them as they cross over but imagine if you will, being on your deathbed and standing around you are the ghosts of the ideas the abilities, the talents, the dreams given to you by life that you for whatever reason never pursued those dreams, you never did anything with those ideas, you never used those talents, you never use those gifts, or took advantage of those opportunities. And there they are standing around your bed looking at you while you take your last dying breath with large angry eyes saying ‘we came to you and only you could have given us life and now we must die with you forever.”
– Dr. Howard Thurman
And the question is if you die this very moment what dies with you, what dreams, what talents, that life
gave to you dies with you. For whatever reason, whether you let fear or procrastination hold you back from really going after what it is you wanna see.
I believe you’re here all here for a purpose we all came into this world for a reason and that’s life purpose.
I implore you to find your purpose in your passion, go after it don’t wait, most people are waiting for something… the next thing to happen… we have to create the circumstances that allow us to go after what it is that we truly want. Don’t wait until school is done, don’t wait till the kids are in school, don’t wait until you’re married, until you find the perfect one, until work is done, until the bills are paid off, until you retire
All those people are constantly hitting the snooze button on life, never really waking up on purpose
It’s your job to figure it out to find out, nobody’s going to do it for you!