Wix, Weebly, WordPress or Squarespace

Wix Weebly Wordpress or Square Space
Wix Weebly Wordpress or Square Space

The WWWs… Wix, Weebly, WordPress or Squarespace, this perplexing choice can leave your head spinning. With so many people starting their own website, this is a such a common question.

Choosing the wrong website builder or content management system have have hell to pay later if you aren’t careful up front. The wrong one can leave you feeling trapped, wasting time and utterly frustrated.

But luckily for us the competition between the systems have made them friendlier, easier to use and far less technical than ever before. So even those of us that are technologically challenged can build an amazing website that attracts our target audience like a magnet.

Let’s dive in and start looking at the pros and cons of each platform so you can make their right choice for your website, your business and ultimately your lifestyle.

Wix Weebly WordPress Squarespace

Price Monthly

Free, $5, $10,
(Ad supported)

$14, $17, $25
per month
(No ads)

(Ad Supported)$8, $12, $25
per month
when paid annually
(No ads)

But, you will need to
setup your own domain
your own hosting
your own design/theme
Premium Themes
typically cost $20 – $80
one time fee

$26/monthBasic Online Store
$26/monthAdvanced Online Store
$40/monthdiscounts available
if you pay for 1 year


content builder


HTML 5 Designs


Mobile Responsive

Ease of Use

Overall Score

8/10 7/10 9/10 8/10

Email Marketing 2014


In recent years, social media and mobile marketing have received a lot of attention. Even though email marketing may not seem as sexy, it still remains the cornerstone of digital marketing. In fact, with a strong content marketing approach, email is more powerful than ever.

Email marketing helps boost customer loyalty with your brand, drive business to your online (and offline) store, integrate multi-marketing channels, and fuel the growth of social networks. Here are some tips to get you started with email marketing.

Read the full article here


What’s your Digital Marketing Strategy?

Digital Marketing Strategy - Dan Beldowicz

“What’s my digital marketing strategy?”

“Well, I have a website, we are on Facebook and Twitter, we also have a YouTube account, and we were thinking about a blog and Pinterest. What do you think about them? Are they worth it, those are digital strategies, right?”

Most business owners that I talk to rattle off the tools they are using but they never talk about the strategy or the plan to use the tools to accomplish a specific goal.

After asking about their digital strategy, I ask about their goals with their website and social media profiles. They reply confused, answering, “Well we have to be there, our competitors are there!”

Again the focus is not on the strategy or goal of what they are trying to get out of using digital marketing tools. Start with your goal, the goal is not
All sales are educational and emotional, you need to get your target market to know, like and trust you, “sell-u-cate” them on your product/service and transfer a positive emotion as to the feeling your prospects will have from the benefits of your products/service. Until you walk them through this process you will never get a return from your digital marketing strategy.to be where your competitors are but to stay at the top of your prospects minds, to stay in touch with existing customers and to gain new customers. The Strategy is “HOW” you are going to achieve this. So again I ask, “What is Your Digital Marketing Stategy?”

“But everyone says not to sell in social media!”

That’s right! But you have to start the process where your target market is. Your digital marketing strategy has to meet your prospects where they are, meeting them with the problems they are having that your product/service solves. When you create content that focuses on their problems you become relatable and you get them interested to read on. Distributing that content through Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn is part of the strategy to get the information in front of the right people. This will attract interested parties to your website (now they are outside social media) which should be your sales tool.

There seems to be two extremes in social media tactics, every post links back to your website or no post links back to your website. There has to be a healthy balance so that people don’t feel you are just selling them and the other extreme leaves them feeling that you are just broadcasting at them. Share useful articles on trusted sources that don’t compete with you, invite visitors back to your website to read content that you have produced, and most importantly, interact with your audience. Comment on their comments, “Like” what they post, ENGAGE, be a human, if someone asks a question answer it.

Digital Marketing Strategies applies to each tool you use, make sure they work in concert, you don’t have to be on every social media platform, you only need one or two that you work hard and see results from.

Digital Marketing Strategy - Dan Beldowicz

Top Blog Directories

Your Blog cannot exist in a silo, and many people don’t realize that this is not the Field of Dreams, where if you build it they will come. That is why most people never make a dime online, they never get more that a couple hundred or couple thousand visitors every month.

To market your blog take time, and a continuous effort to build awareness and build quality visitors and influencers to you site. Ultimately you want them to read, comment, share and take action. So I have compiled a list of Blog Directories that you can market your blog on and begin to get inbound links to your site.

<a href=”http://blogville.us/” title=”blogville.us”>blogville.us</a>