Webinar – The Money is in the List

We're Storming Back New Jersey

We're Storming Back New JerseyEmail Marketing Tips and tricks

Tues – 8/27/13 – 1pm – 2:30pm


Email is NOT Dead! While most of the attention is on Social Media and Search Engine Updates, business owners are neglecting one of the most valuable resources they have, their email list! If you could push a button and get customers, would you push it? In this seminar learn to start and grow an effective email list, create relevant emails to connect with your audience, succeed in acquiring new customers and so much more.

Webinar – Panda and Penguin Panic

We're Storming Back New Jersey

We're Storming Back New Jersey

The new Rules of Google and Search Engine Optimization Today

Wed – 8/21 – 1pm – 2:30pm


Still one of the best ways to grow your business is to show up in the right place at the right time with the right message. Search engines give you that opportunity, yet thousands of business owners struggle with getting it right. Learn the ins and outs without getting overwhelmed with techy speak. Dan lays out a plan for you to get to the top the right way so Google’s next update doesn’t crush your business.

Webinar – Social Media BS

We're Storming Back New Jersey

We're Storming Back New Jersey

Business Strategies That Work

Tues – 8/20/13 – 1pm – 2:30pm


Discover the secret to make your business a Social Media superstar and actually generate leads for your business. Social Media has effectively changed the landscape of how you market your business. Gone are the days when you could rely on just having a website. Companies everyday are finding themselves lost when it comes to having a competent strategy to build their brand, market, create sales opportunities to build their business online.

In any moment of decision the worst thing you can do is…

The Worst Thing You Can Do is Nothing

The Worst Thing You Can Do is Nothing

Have you ever been at a crossroads and you know that a decision must be made yet you pause and your think about what could be down one road and you are unsure, and when you think about the other road you are also unsure. What’s next? How to you decide what to do next. Many people seem to freeze, they become paralyzed by the decision, it’s called “analysis paralysis”.

So what decisions are you waiting on, what’s holding you back from making just a decision, this way or that…

Most people hope that the decision will be made for them and the question is “WHY?”

Some people have spent a life time here not wanting to be wrong. Maybe they are hesitant because of what others may think of them, maybe it’s a path they have wanted to go down but their peer group is heading down another path, maybe they just have weak decision making muscles. In the game of life many people are just walking around making small decisions like, what to wear that day, would you like fries with that, paper or plastic. But when it comes to decision that can potential affect their lives and the lives of others… “Woe…Wait just a minute, what if this happens and what if that happens?”

I have been there myself and trust me, I get it, that little voice creeps in that says “Who are you to do that?”,  “Why you?” or maybe you hear that voice say “You can’t do that, you just not Good Enough.”

It’s time to squash that little voice that has you paralyzed to make the decision necessary to move on.

“In any moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.”
Theodore Roosevelt (1858–1919)
26th president of the United States

Realize this, life is just a game that can neither be won or lost, only played. When it comes to making decisions, it is best to decide and do. No one has a crystal ball, the future is what you make of it. If you decide and then decide to change that later on, who cares! Stop worrying about what other people think of you and start worrying what you think about yourself.

Don’t remain stuck, keep moving forward. If you are NOT moving forward you are falling behind. Build momentum in your life and learn from every experience, learn to make decisions based on the best information you have at the time and keep going.

Some of the most successful people in the world made decision fast and stuck to them, they were not wishy washy about the subject, they remained steadfast on their journey and kept on going. They learned from everything that came up against and they kept on going.

I believe decisions become tough when you don’t have a clear vision of where you are going and worried about what everyone else is doing. Friend will change over time, people will come and go in your life, money will come and go. Think about the person you want to become, where you want to be an
d align your decision in that directions. Not all decision are small ones, sometimes people are going to be hurt by you changing and growing. But that is none of your business, you are living your life, playing YOUR game. Your are in control and only you can decide what is right for you.

Take time to think about the different areas of your life and if there are decision that need to be made and ask yourself:

–          What is stopping me from at least making a decision?

–          What the worst that can happen?

–          What is the best possible out come from one way or the other?

Then make the decision and move forward, take Nike’s advice and “Just Do It”