Are you living your dreams or dreaming of living?

When you are dreaming of living, you are living someone else’s purpose. You are likely living in fear of some kind. So what is holding you back from really doing what you want to do?

Have you ever really stopped long enough to think about that?

I recently sat on a park bench on a beautiful warm sunny and breezy day, and asked myself those questions. As I sat and formed mental picture of what I thought was holding me back I dove a bit deeper and asked myself how true is it that money is holding me back, and do I truly care enough about what others my think of me to stop me from putting myself out there?

And the deeper I questioned myself the more I felt free, I started to look at the grass and heard this clicking sound, coming from this one spot by a pine cone and I really zoned in to that one spot. Then suddenly I saw an ant, chomping on this pine cone and that seemed to be where the clicking was coming from. I was so hyper focused on this pine cone, in this tiny patch of grass and this one ant that I complete shut out the entire rest of the world. As I sat there and completely oblivious of the rest of the world spinning around me, a bee flying by caught my eye and I thought, this be doesn’t give a shit what the ant is doing and the ant really isn’t paying any attention to the bee flying by.

So, what the hell is the point of that story!!!

Do what you do, because that’s who you are, even if it’s just a little bit. If you are constantly looking around telling yourself that you can’t do it for any reason…Stop and ask yourself “How True is it?” dive deeper until you really discover that any fear that is holding you back from living your dream is just in your head. It’s nothing more that the story you are telling yourself of why you can’t have what you want.

You deserve it, you can have it, you can get it.

Want it!

Want it bad!

Crush the story and become bigger than your fear!

When you are living your dreams you are living on purpose!

It’s time to Wake Up and Live on Purpose…

I’d love to hear what you think is holding you back and what your thoughts are now, comment below and share this if it resonated with you.

Why not, why not you, why not now

Why not, why not you, why not now

Why not, why not you, why not now

How often do we wonder why…

When we should really be asking,
“Why not?”
“Why not you?”
“Why not now?”

Start believing in yourself, start believing in the power of now and see yourself better than you are, bigger than any problem or challenge you’re facing.

It’s time to start Waking Up on Purpose!

If not now, When?

If not now - when
If not now - when
If not now – when



When would now be a good time to get started living your dreams?

What are you waiting for? It’s time to stop hitting the snooze button on life and your dreams. I know, I know, you are saying that you have a lot going on right now. Maybe you are saying when the time is right, when I meet the right person, once the bills are paid off, once the kids are in school, once the kids are out of school. There are so many reasons or excuses not to start now, and none of them are really good.

You can only have two things in life…Reasons or Results

What do you have?

Reasons why you don’t have the things you want in life or do you have the Results you really want?